Statistical Review of the Russian Empire

De-Livron, Victor Frantsevich (1835-1889).
Statistical Review of the Russian Empire / comp. V. de Livron, act. gt; Imp. Rus. geogr. islands; Ed. cartographic institution of A. Ilyin. - St. Petersburg: Pecs. in the type. t-va "Public benefit", 1874. - [2], VIII, 370, 48 p. ; 25 cm. - .
I. Livron, V. de (1835-1889). II. A. Ilyin's cartographic institution.
ББК 60.601.33 (28)
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original: RSL
Publisher Печ. в тип. т-ва "Общественная польза"
Catalogue object