Protocols Kalyazinsky ... county zemstvo assembly .... ... the next session of 1901

Kalyazinsky district zemsky assembly.
Protocols Kalyazinsky ... county zemsky assembly ... - Kalyazin, [1867] -1917. - 22-25 cm. -
The Protocols of 1868-1870. napec. in Tver.
In the ed. 1867. zagl .: "Journals ..."; 1868, 1872-1883, 1887: "The meeting ..."; 1886, 1887 (regular), 1889, 1890: "Reports and minutes of meetings ...".
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
... the next session of 1901: With the adj. - 1902. - [2], VI, 203 p., 2 liters. table .. - .
Source of the electronic copy: RSL