Journal of military operations of the army of her Imperial Majesty 1769- [1771] years

The magazine of military operations of the army of her Imperial Majesty 1769- [1771]. - St.Petersburg: Pecs. under the State. military. collegium, [1770-1773]. -
Dated from the book seller. announcements: "St. Petersburg Ved.", 1770, 22. VI, No. 50, p. [6]; 1771, 31. V, No. 43, Addition, pp. [3]; 1773, 27. VIII, No. 69, Addition, pp. [4].
Jour. military. actions during the Rus.-tour. war.
In the "Journal" for 1770 there are: Journal of the second army of 1770 (S. [163-259]); On the actions of the Corps under the leadership of Major-General de Medem from the Kuban side. 1770 (S. [261-266]); In the Journal for 1771 there are: The Journal of Military Operations of its Imperial Majesty the First Army, under the leadership of General-Field Marshal Count Pyotr Alexandrovich Rumyantsev. 1771 year. Printed in St. Petersburg at the State Military Collegium (with a separate tit., S. [3-102]); Journal of the second army, led by General Prince Vasily Mikhailovich Dolgorukov. 1771 (S. [103-146]); On the condition of the corps of troops, located under the command of Major-General Demedem, against the Kuban in 1771 (S. [147]). - SK XVIII.
1. Dolgorukov, Vasily Mikhailovich (1722-1782). 2. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Peter Alexandrovich (1725-1796). 3. Medem, Ivan Fedorovich (1722-1785).
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher Печ. при Гос. воен. коллегии