Railways militarily. Part 1. Transportation of troops by rail

Kvist, Alexander Ilyich (1820-1878).
Railways militarily: Izd. with the assistance of the Military-Scientist. com. Heads. headquarters. Part 1- / Comp. A. Kvist. - St. Petersburg: type. A. Tranchelya, 1868. - 23 .
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original storage:? 24/61; U 27/505; E 68/93
Part 1: Transportation of troops by rail. - 1868. - [2], IV, [2], VI, 171 pp., 11 liters. yl .. - .
Source of electronic copy: RSL
Location of original storage:? 24/61; U 27/505; E 68/93
Publisher Тип. А. Траншеля