Collection of legalizations and orders of the workers 'and peasants' government of the RSFSR, published by the NKJ. № 22. April ...

Collection of legalizations and orders of the workers 'and peasants' government of the RSFSR, published by the NKJ. - Moscow: Sov. legislation. - .
Source of the electronic copy: PB
№ 22. April 20, 1933 Dep. 1. - [1933]. -113-119 sec. : tab. -
Contents: 72. About fishing collective farms and fish commodity farms in lake-river fisheries. 73. About introduction of the differentiated payment of pedagogical personnel of children's homes and preschool institutions. 74. About the statement of the instruction about an order of registration of certificates of a birth. 75. On the amendment of the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of February 7, 1933 on the reorganization of the administration and the system of road building organs of the RSFSR. 76. About abolition of local municipal fund and fund of crediting of a municipal services.
Source of the electronic copy: PB
Publisher Сов. законодательство

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