The collective farm dawn. 1946. № 28 (1731). May, 23rd

Kolkhoznaya Zarya: Organ of the Zherdev RK VKP (b) and the District Council of Working People's Deputies of the Tambov Region. - [Art. Zherdevka (South-East Railway Railway)], 1938-. -
Since 1955, see the "Lenin's banner."
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: TUNB
1946. № 28 (1731). May 23: Organ of the Zherdev District Committee of the CPSU (B.) And the District Council of Working People's Deputies of the Tambov Region. - A type. gas. "Collective Farm Dawn", 1946. - [2] p. : tab. -
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: TUNB
Publisher Тип. газ. "Колхозная заря"

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