Information and communication technologies of interaction between authorities and the population of the metropolis in the implem...

Raskhodchikov, Alexey NikolaevichInformation and communication technologies of interaction between authorities and the population of the metropolis in the implementation of urban development projects: the author's abstract dis.on soisk.Ouch.step.the candidate of sociological sciences: specialty / Raskhodchikov Alexei Nikolaevich;[A protection Place: Feder.nauch.-research.Sociology.Center of Russian Academy of Sciences].- Moscow, 2017. -28 p.: Yl.;21 cm .. -Refs .: s.27-28 (8 references.)..1. Power (collection).2. Sociology of Management.3. Social Sciences in general - Sociology - Sociology of the individual social systems - social development as a whole - Social subsystem - The scientific management of the company - management systems and processes.Management as a set of functions.4. Sociology - Social community (population) - Sociology of town and country - the city of sociological theory.5. Construction - Urban Development - Planning and development of towns - General problems of planning and urban development.BBK 60.524.224ya031BBK 38.8ya031BBK 66.3 (2Ros) 124ya031electronic copy Source: Institute of Sociology.Website
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