Journals of the Kupyansky ... county Zemsky meeting ...

Kupyan county Zemskoye collection.Magazines of the Kupyansky ... county Zemsky meeting ... - Kupyansk, 1867-1917.- 21-25 cm. -Place ed.Parts of magazines: Kharkov.Stall.magazines for 1866-1868: magazines and applications for them ... Kupyan county Zemsky meeting..I. Kupyan district Zemstvo.1.Kupyan county Zemstvo collection - activities - periodicals.2. Zemstvo - Kharkiv province - periodicals.3. Kupyansk, City (Ukraine) - History - Periodicals.BBK 63.3 (28-8har) 52-334Я52BBK 63.3 (28-8har) 53-334Я52
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