Constitutional and legal basis of the judicial protection of social and economic rights of man and citizen in the Russian Federa...

Izhaev Osman AlikovichConstitutional and legal basis of the judicial protection of social and economic rights of man and citizen in the Russian Federation: the dissertation author's abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of legal sciences: specialty 12.00.02 / Izhaev Osman Alikovich;[A protection Place: Mosk.state.jurid.Acad.them.OEKutafin].- Moscow, 2017. -24 p.;21. -Bibliogr .: p.24 (6 references.)..1. People (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Constitutional law;Constitutional litigation;municipal law.4. State and law.Jurisprudence - the judiciary - the Russian Federation - the judicial system.5. State and law.Jurisprudence - the state (constitutional) right - the Russian Federation - Legal status of citizens.6. Human rights - Protection - The Role of the court - the Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 67.71ya031an electronic copy of Source: Moscow State Law Academy.Site
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