Money circulation and monetary symbols of the Far East during the period of war and revolution (1914-1924)

Pogrebetsky, Alexander Ilyich
Money circulation and monetary symbols of the Far East during the period of war and revolution (1914-1924) = Monetary circulation and currency in the Far East during the war and revolution (1914-1924) / AI Pogrebetsky. - Harbin: Study of Manchur. the edges ; Chita; Vladivostok: Far East of Siberia. Island "Book case", 1924. -X, 419 p. : ill., Table. ; 25 cm. - .
ББК У03 (2Р55) 530-262.6,0
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: RZ No cipher
Publisher издание О-ва изучения Маньчжурского края и Дальневосточно-Сибирского о-ва "Книжное дело"
Catalogue object