1917 in Mordovia

Kudpochkin, Tikhon Efimovich1917th year in Mordovia: (from the history of the October Socialist Revolution on the territory of Massar) / T. Cuprashkin and V. Samarkin;[Preface V. Danilova];Mordovian Research Institute of Language, Literature and History at the Council of Massar.- Saransk: Mordovsky Book Publishing House, 1939. -64 p.;20 cm. -15000 copies..I. Samarkin, Viktor Ivanovich.1.People (collection).2. Territory (collection).3. Territory of Russia: Mordovia, Republic (Collection).4. Republic of Mordovia: History Pages (Collection).5. The Great October Socialist Revolution - Mordovia - 1917.BBK 63.3 (283.54) 611Electronic copy source: PBThe place of storage of the original: GPI.Center for Social and Political History
Publisher Мордовского книжное издательство
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