Abstracts and resolutions of the first Ural Congress of leaders in Martenovsky production, held on December 13-22, 1926 in Sverd...

Abstracts and resolutions of the first Ural congress of leaders in the Martenov production, which took place on December 13-22, 1926 in Sverdlovsk / Ural.oblastCouncil Nar.Hose-Wa- Sverdlovsk: [Type.Uralprofsove], 1927. -89 p.: Table .. -600 cop..I. Ural Congress of Martens Production Affairs (1; Sverdlovsk; 1926).II.Ural Regional Council of National Economy.1.Territory (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: UrFU
Publisher [Тип. Уралпрофсовета]

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