Speech of managing partner of law firm "Dentos" Naumov Viktor Borisovich on the results of the second session of the conference
Speech Tkachev Alexander Viktorovich, assistant professor of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov "Legal informatics and cybernetics: 30 years of development of science and academic discipline"
Speech by Elena Nikolaevna Sarapkina, Deputy Head of the Department for Analysis and Processing of Legal Information of the Scientific Center for Legal Information under the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation "Legal Information: Issues of Syste
Speech by Muromtsev Dmitry Ilyich, Associate Professor of the National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics "Ontology and the Semantic Network: New Tools and Information Processing Capabilities"
Speech by Andrey Morozov, Head of the Chair of the Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of Russia "The importance of systematization of legislation in the development of information law"
Speech by Viktor Nikolaevich Monakhov, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences "The Fifth Freedom and Copyright: The Boundaries of Interface"
Statement by Natalya Rudegerovna Maslova, Adviser to the Governor of the Tomsk Region "Legal Support for the Formation of the Electronic State and Openness of Power: Problems and Prospects for the Regional Level (on the Example of the Tomsk Region)"
Speech of Kaganer Pavel Lvovich, coordinator of partner programs of NP "Wikimedia RU" "Free licenses - perspective regulation of joint creativity"
Speech by the head of the information law sector of the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences Bachilo Illaria Lavrentevna "On terms and concepts in law"