Decrypted telegram [of the head of the NKVD for Leningrad Region] [P. T.] Kuprin in the NKGB of the USSR on the recall of its s...

Title Decrypted telegram [of the head of the NKVD for Leningrad Region] [P. T.] Kuprin in the NKGB of the USSR on the recall of its specialists from Leningrad by the German firm SFG by June 22 and the beginning of hostilities in the coming days
Dates June 21, 1941
Notes Copy
Text language Русский
Call number ЦА ФСБ России. Ф. 3. Оп. 8. Д. 1639. Л. 532-533
Original location Central Archives of the Federal Security Service of Russia
Display format