The whole Crimea. 1920-1925

The whole Crimea. 1920-1925: Jubilee collection: [Vth All-Crimean Congress of Soviets / Editorial Commission Kr. CEC: U. V. Balich, F. M. Volgin, F. I. Kovalev, and others]. - Simferopol: Krymtsik, 1926. - [8], XX, 572 p., 47 h. yl. : tables, diagrams, maps, diagrams. ; 26 cm. -
Bibliography on Crimean Studies / V. V. Simonovsky (p. 517-534). - A copy of GPIB is defective: there are no pages 526-527.
I. Balich, Usien Veli (1884-1939). II. Volgin, F.M. .. III. Kovalev, F.I. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Crimea, Republic (collection). 3. The Republic of Crimea: pages of history (collection). 4. Crimean ASSR - National economy.
ББК 63.3 (2Укр-6Кры) 613
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher КрымЦИК
Catalogue object