The Tribute to Time

Belokonsky, Ivan Petrovich (1855-1931).    
Tribute to time: memories / IP Belokonsky. - 2 nd edition, significantly enlarged and illustrated with drawings and portraits. - Moscow: [Publishing house of political prisoners], 1928. - 371, [1] p. : ill., Port. -
Name index: with. 366-371. - Index of illustrations: p. 371.
. - 3000 copies. .
1. Territory of Russia: Orel region (collection). 2. Orel region: pages of history (collection). 3. Power (collection). 4. The people (the collection). 5. Orel region - History.
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Орл)
The source of the electronic copy: Орловская ОНУПБ
Location on the book: Орловская ОНУПБ
Publisher [Издательство политкаторжан]
Catalogue object