Notes on the history of the church in England. Issue. 1. From the introduction of Christianity to the middle of the eleventh cen...

Belorossov, Nikolai Danilovich (1833-1907).    
Notes on the history of the church in England = Essay on the history of the church in England / [op.] Saints. N. Belorossova. - St. Petersburg: in the type. Department of the Units, 1868-1869. - 20 cm .
1. Religion - Christianity - Christianity in individual countries - Great Britain.
ББК Э370.9 (4Вл), 02
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Issue. 1: From the introduction of Christianity to the middle of the eleventh century. - 1868.-IV, 117 p. .
1. Russia - Great Britain: to the history of relationships (collection). 2. Church - History - Great Britain - 6th - 12th centuries.
ББК 86.375
ББК 63.3 (4Вел) 4-37
An electronic copy source: RSL
Location of original copy: РГБ
Publisher в тип. Департамента уделов
Catalogue object