How to teach literacy in the letter "Our strength is our field"

Fried, L.    
How to teach literacy in the letter "Our strength is our field": Method. manual for the liquidators of illiteracy / Comp. L. Frid, A. Terentyeva, N. Troitskaya; Vseros. emergency commis. to eliminate illiteracy. Moscow. lips. emergency commis. to eliminate illiteracy. - Moscow; Leningrad: Down with illiteracy, 1926. - 46 p. : Fig., table. -
Bibliograf. in a substring. note. and in the text. - 25070 copies. .
I. Troitskaya, N. .. II. Terentyev, A. .. III. The RSFSR. Extraordinary Commission on the Elimination of Illiteracy. Russian language (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Russian language - Teaching - Schools for the elimination of illiteracy - Methodological guides. 4. Mathematics - Teaching - Schools for the elimination of illiteracy - Methodical aids.
BBC 74.03 (2)
BBK 74.4
BBK 74.262.21
BBK 74.268.1Rus
Electronic copy source: PB
Location on the original: ГПИБ
Publisher Долой неграмотность
Catalogue object