Practical Slavic grammar with systematic Slavic and Russian examples, selectors and vocabularies for exercises

  Krylov, Vasily Andreevich      
Practical Slavonic grammar with systematic Slavonic and Russian examples, selectors and vocabularies for exercises / comp. prep. Slav. yaz. and the scribe Polivan. teaches. Seminary Holy. V. Krylov. - Moscow: Nassl. br. Salaev, 1882. - VIII, 192, 57 p. ; 24 cm. -
The 2nd edition was published under the title: "Complete practical Slavic grammar ..." .
1. Russian language (collection). 2. Old Russian language - Grammar - Educational publications.
ББК 81.2Рус.я7
Electronic copy: PB
Location on the original: MOGNB
Publisher Насл. бр. Салаевых
Catalogue object