Russian antiquity. G. 40 1909, T. 139, book. 7-8, July-August

Russian antiquities: a monthly historical edition. - D.1-49. - St. Petersburg, 1870-1918 .
1. Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Russian language (collection). 4. Russia - History - until 1917 - Periodicals. 5. Historical journals - Russia - 19-20 centuries.
ББК 63.3 (2) я52
G. 40 1909, T. 139, book. 7-8, July-August. - A type. t-va pf. Electro-type, N.Ya. Stoykova, 1909. - 396 p. : ill. -
Contents: Book. 7: Poltava. (June 27, 1709) / [cit.] N. L. Yunakova. Poltava / [op.] B. Kolyubakin. D. A. Skalon / N. From the life of Russians in Finland, according to the letters of Count M. Kamensky / [соч.] N. A. Murzanov. Notes of Senator Esipovich, [and others]; Book. 8: Deputy from Russia: (memoirs and correspondence of Olga Alexeevna Novikova) / communication. E. S. M. Notes of Senator Esipovich. From the life of a judicial figure / communication. N. Ya. Kulunchakov. From memories of Kronstadt in the aftermath of the reign of Emperor Nicholas I / commune. NI Voronov. Memories of the life of F. G. Turner, [and others]. - Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - Библиогр. leaflet: with. 2-3 reg. .
Electronic copy: PB
Location on the original: MOGNB
Publisher Тип. т-ва п. ф. "Электро-тип. Н.Я. Стойковой"