Sociocultural adaptation of migrant children in the educational environment

  Makarov, Alexander Yakovlevich  (Candidate of Sociological Sciences).    
Socio-cultural adaptation of migrant children in the educational environment: (on the example of the metropolitan metropolis): the thesis for a candidate's degree in sociology: specialty 22.00.04 : protected 22.06.2010 / Makarov Alexander Yakovlevich; State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Russian State Humanitarian University". - Moscow, 2010. - 209 with. : diag. -
List of references: p. 175-191 (232 names) and in the footnotes .
1. The people (the collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Social structure, social institutions and processes. 4. Migrant children - Adaptation of social - Theses. 5. Migrant children - Adaptation to secondary school - Theses.
BBC 63.3 (2) 64-284.6я031
BBK 74.04 (2-2Mos) i031
BBK 60.546я031
Source of electronic copy: CITiS
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