Evolution of the Yaik (Ural) Cossacks in the second half of the 18th century: the ethno-cultural and military-political aspects ...

  Merzlikina, Olga Georgievna      
Evolution of the Egg (Urals) Cossacks in the second half of the XVIII century: ethnocultural and military-political aspects of the problem: the dissertation ... The candidate of historical sciences: 07.00.02 / Merzlikina Olga Georgievna; Samara State Pedagogical University. - Samara, 2005. - 185, [8] p. : ill. -
Bibliography: p. 165-185 and in footnotes .
1. The Ural Cossack Host - History - Theses. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Domestic history.
ББК 63.3 (283.6) 513-35я031
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