Economy of real estate

  Metelev, Igor Sergeevich      
Economics of real estate: an electronic educational and practical manual / Metelev IS, Kalinina NM, Elkin SE; Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Feder. state. budget. educated. institution of higher education. prof. Education Ros. state. trade and economy. University, Omsk Institute (fil.). - Electron. Dan. (178 files: 1.91 MB). - Omsk, 2012. -
Systems. Requirements: 1GHz or higher PC; RAM 512 MB or higher; Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista; Windows Media Player; video adapter.
Access mode: the site of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.
Заклл. from the screen.
Exit. Dan. a printed analogue of the electronic educational and practical manual: The Economics of Real Estate: A Training Manual / Metelev IS, Kalinina NM, Elkin SE - Omsk: IP Skornyakova EV, 2012. - 176 p. - ISBN 978-5-905833-08-3.
Text (symbolic) electronic edition .
I. Kalinina, Natalia Mikhailovna. II. Elkin, Stanislav Evgenevich. 1. Power (collection). 2. Real Estate - Economics - Educational editions for higher educational institutions.
ББК 65.22я73я045
Source of electronic copy: RGTEU. Omsk Institute of Philosophy. Place of origin of the original: RGTEU. Omsk Institute of Philology
ISBN 978-5-905833-08-3
Publisher ИП Скорнякова Е. В.
Catalogue object

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