Address-calendar of Irkutsk

Address-calendar of Irkutsk: reference book with addresses of state and public institutions, trading houses and firms, homeowners and in general persons living in Irkutsk / Izd. Irkutsk policeman NA Nikolsky. - Ed. unofficial. - Irkutsk: Type. gas. "Eastern Review", 1901. - [22], 429, [5] p. : ill. - Ex. def .: no with. 332 .
1. Power (collection). 2. Territory of Russia (collection). 3. Irkutsk, city - History - early. 20 cent. - Directories. 4. Address-calendars.
BBK 63.3 (28-8 Irk-2 Irkutsk) 531y23
Source of electronic copy: Irkutsk OGUNB
Location on the original: Иркутская ОГУНБ
Publisher Тип. газ. "Восточное обозрение"
Catalogue object