Irkutsk Province Gazette. 1892, No. 42 (Oct. 14)

Irkutsk Province Gazette . - Irkutsk: Irkutsk provincial government, 1857-
1892, No. 42 (Oct. 14). - 42 seconds. Sec. pag. - Content: Addition to the No. 42 official part of Irkutsk. province. statements of 1892 .
1. Territory of Russia (collection). 2. Power (collection). 3. History - Periodicals - Russia. 4. Irkutsk Province - Periodicals.
BBC 63.3 (28-8 Irk) 522n51
Source of electronic copy: Irkutsk OGUNB
Location on the original: Иркутская ОГУНБ
Publisher Иркутское губернское правление
Catalogue object