Cinema and cinema. Part 1. Art as a spectacle

Cinema and film show: collection of articles: [at 2 h.] / Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Russian Institute of Art History; [Editor-in-Chief: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor AL Kazin]. - St. Petersburg: Russian Institute of Art History, 2011. - (Series of Questions of History and Theory of Cinema). -
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. - 250 copies. - ISBN 978-5-6845-164-5 .
I. Kazin, Alexander Leonidovich (Doctor of Philosophy, prose writer, 1945-). II. Russian Institute of Art History (St. Petersburg) .1. The people (the collection). 2. The year of Russian cinema (collection). 3. Film art - Theory - Collections. 4. Cinema art - Philosophical issues - Collections. 5. Film art - Aesthetics - Collections.
ББК 85.37я43
ББК 85.373 (0) я43
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Location on the paper: б-ка RIII
Part 1: Art as a spectacle. - 189, [2] p. -
Bibliography in the note at the end of the articles.
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1. The people (the collection). 2. The year of Russian cinema (collection). 3. Film art - Theory - Collections. 4. Cinema art - Philosophical issues - Collections. 5. Film art - Aesthetics - Collections.
ББК 85.37я43
ББК 85.373 (0) я43
E-copy source: PB
Location on the paper: б-ка RIII
Publisher Российский институт истории искусств
Catalogue object