The mansion of the merchant Nosov // Russian reporter. 2015, No. 5 (381) (January 5-19)

Shlykov, Alexey    
The mansion of the merchant Nosov: the unhurried beauty of the Silver Age / Alexei Shlykov; photos: archive of the press service: Dmitry Boganov (, provided by MIKC "The Mansion of Merchant VD Nosov". - (Card). -
The author is listed at the end of the article.
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// Russian reporter. - 2015, No. 5 (381) (January 5-19). - 2015. - P. 89 .
I. Boganov, Dmitry. Nosov, Vasily Dmitrievich (1848-1920). 2. Russian State Library for Youth. 3. The people (the collection). 4. Territory (collection). 5. Russia in the faces (collection). 6. Territory of Russia: Moscow, city (collection).
BBC 63.3 (2-2Mos) 64-7
E-copy source: Expert Group
Original storage location: Группа Эксперт
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