An Orthodox theological encyclopaedia or theological encyclopaedic dictionary containing the necessary information for each of t...

The Orthodox Theological Encyclopaedia or theological encyclopaedic dictionary containing the necessary information for each of the most important subjects of theological knowledge in alphabetical order: It includes articles on all theological sciences, such as: I. Holy Scripture and Biblical History and Archeology . II. Basic, dogmatic and moral theology. III. Church history - universal and Russian ... / Izd. Ed. prof. A.P. Lopukhin. T. 1-12  Petrograd: type. A.P. Lopukhin, 1900-1911  .- 12 tons. 26 cm
T. 12: Books of Symbolism - Constantinople: with 10 illustrations .- 1911 .- XI pp., 904 stb., 905-928 p., [10] f. ill., Port. .- (The Universal Theological Library, issue 27) .- Free application to the spiritual journal "Wanderer" for 1911. .
ББК Э372я20
Source: RSL
Publisher тип. А.П. Лопухина