Decisions of court places on the disputes of the Popovs with the Tatars on the Tavel estate

Decisions of court places on the disputes of the Popovs with the Tatars on the estate of Tavel. - St. Petersburg: Typo-lit. AE Landau, 1891. - XX, 284, [2], p. [1], p. pl. ; 26 centimeters .
1. Popovs. 2. State and law. Juridical sciences - Litigations - Litigation of Russia - Litigation in civil cases - Collection of judgments. 3. Russia.
BBK X895.9 (2) 49-383
BBK 67.410.91 (2)
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
Publisher Типо-лит. А. Е. Ландау