Collection of Russian medals, issued by the highest order of the Archaeographic Commission. Issue. 5. Medals: a) in honor of the...

Collection of Russian medals, issued by the highest order Archaeographic Commission / [ed. S. Stroev]  .- St. Petersburg: in the type. Expeditions of state procurement. papers, 1840-1846  .- 50 cm
Issue. 5: Medals: a) in honor of the memorable husbands of the Russians, and b) in addition to the II, III and IV issues .- 1846 .- P. 89-112, [17] f. yl. .
1. medals
ББК Т221 (2) 5-3л61
ББК 63.221 (2) 5-3л61
Source: RSL
Publisher в Тип. Экспедиции заготовления гос. бумаг
Catalogue object