Centenary of the War Ministry. A systematic index. A systematic index to the historical sketches of the century of the War Minis...

Centenary of the War Ministry: 1802-1902 / Ch. Ed. gene. from the cavalry. Scalon; [reg. and vignettes of the artist. N. Samokish] . - St. Petersburg: type. M.V. Wolf, 1902-1914
Systematic index: A systematic index to the historical sketches of the century of the War Ministry. no. 1 / comp. regiment. N. M. Zatvornitsky. - 1909. - 1331 p. Sec. pag. - 2 tit. l. Contents: Otd. I. Events, institutions and reforms; Otd. II. Personal names; Otd. III. Parts of troops, positions, institutions, the most important military and military-administrative geographic points and other items; Otd. IV. Illustrations and documents; Otd. V. The content of historical essays; Alphabetical index to the 1st department "Events, institutions and reforms" .
BBK 91.9: 68.41 (2)
Copy source: RNB
Location on map of originals: RNB
Publisher Тип. т-ва М.О. Вольф
Catalogue object