Charter (Basic Law) of the Murmansk region

    Murmansk region. Laws.
Charter (Basic Law) of the Murmansk region: adopted by the Murmansk Regional Duma on November 26, 1997. - [Murmansk, 1997]. - 30 liters. -
At the end of the signature text: Head of the Administration of the Murmansk region Yuri A. Evdokimov, Chairman of the Murmansk Regional Duma PA Sazhinov, December 1, 1997.
I. Murmansk region. Statutes. Murmansk region. Charter. 1997. 2. Authority (collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: Murmansk region (collection). 5. Murmansk region: pages of history (collection). 6. Constitution - Basic Law. The Constitution of the Subjects of the Russian Federation (collection).
ББК 67.400.11 (2Рос-4Мур), 02
Source of the electronic copy: FSO of Russia
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