The artistic life of Altai in the second half of the XX century based on the materials of the local periodical press

Artemova, Alexandra Nikolaevna    
The artistic life of Altai in the second half of the XX century based on the materials of the local periodical press: the author's abstract of the thesis. ... Candidate of Art Criticism: 17.00.04 / Artemova Alexandra Nikolaevna; [Place of protection: Alt. state. un-t]. - Barnaul, 2016. - 27 with. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. Fine and arts and crafts and architecture.
ББК 85г.я031
ББК 63.3 (2Рос-4Алт) 6-7я031
ББК 76.02я031
Source of the electronic copy: AltSU. Website
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