The monstrous crimes of the German fascist butchers

Nikitin, M.N.    
The monstrous crimes of the German fascist executioners: On materials and documents from the occupied regions and cities of the Leningrad Region / MN Nikitin, PI Vagin. - [Leningrad]: Leningr. gas.-zhurn. and books. publishing house, 1943. - 176 p. : ill. -
On the tit. L .: Death to the German invaders! .
I. Vagin, P. I ..
ББК 63.3 (2) 622.6ю1
E-copy source: PB
Original location: Museum-library "Books of the Siege of the City"
Publisher Ленингр. газ.-журн. и книж. изд-во
Catalogue object