Ethnic xenophobia among young people of the Southern Federal District

Gonsovsky, Vitaly Konstantinovich    
Ethnic xenophobia among young people of the Southern Federal District: the example of the Rostov region: the author's abstract of the dis. ... Candidate of Sociological Sciences: 22.00.04 / Gontsovsky Vitaly Konstantinovich; [Protection: South. feder. un-t]. - Rostov-on-Don, 2014. - 37 p. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. The people (the collection). 3. Social structure, social institutions and processes. 4. Rostov Region (Russian Federation).
BBC 63.3 (2Pos_4Ros) 64-38y031
BBK 60.542.15я031
Source of electronic copy: SFU. Website
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