Journals ... Tsaritsyn county zemstvo assembly .... the 46th regular ... 1911

    Tsaritsyno county zemsky assembly.
Journals ... of the Tsaritsyn Uyezd Zemsky Assembly ... - Saratov, [1867] -1917. - 23 cm. -
Location of the publishing house. journal. for the years 1866-1869, 1871, 1900, 1901 .: Saratov.
Nadzag. journal. for 1912-1915 years. (successive) and for 1917: Tsaritsyn. county. zemstvo.
Ver. Journal: for 1867, 1869 (extr.), 1882, 1884: Resolutions ... of the Tsaritsyn Uyezd Zemsky Assembly; for 1892: Protocols ... of the Tsaritsyn Uyezd Zemstvo Assembly ... with the annexes of the reports of the Administration; for 1908 (successive): Reports and journals of the Tsaritsinsky ... county zemstvo assembly ... with annexes; for a number of years a little. changed.
On tit. l. and obl. journal. for 1866-1869, 1871, only the name of the Zemsky Assembly.
1. Tsaritsyno Uyezd - Volgograd Region (collection). 2. Tsaritsyno Uezd - History - early. 20 cent. - Collections.
ББК 63.3 (28-8Сар) 533я43
Source of the electronic copy: RSL
46 th regular ... 1911 year. - 1912. - XIII, 541 p., 6 l. Table. .
Source of the electronic copy: RSL