Monument "The communal grave of soldiers brutally tortured with hunghuts in the Far East on November 6, 1945 Among them lieutena...

Agapchenko, Anatoly Sergeevich (1986-).    
Monument "The communal grave of soldiers brutally tortured by hunghuts in the Far East on November 6, 1945 Among them lieutenant-colonel Kravtsov Ivan Antonovich": [photo] / photo by A. S. Agapchenko. - Electronic graphic data (1 file: 10.4 MB). -Achinsk, Krasnoyarsk region, 2015. -
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On The concrete base has a marble slab in the form of a parallelepiped with chipped edges. It has a sign with the inscription "The mass grave of soldiers brutally tortured by hunhuzes in the Far East on November 6, 1945. Among them lieutenant colonel Kravtsov Ivan Antonovich." Date: 25/04/2015. Place of Photography: Achinsk, city cemetery. .
1. Territory (collection). 2. The point of attraction is the Russian Far East. To the Eastern Economic Forum (collection). 3. Great Patriotic War - Perpetuation of memory - USSR - Far East - 1941 - 1945 - Photographs.
ББК 63.3 (255) 62
Electronic copy: Achinsk Museum of Local History
Location on map of the original: Achinsk Museum of Local History
Catalogue object