The Presidential Library to hold multimedia lessons for schoolchildren about country's Basic Law

27 November 2023

On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which is celebrated on December 12, 2023, the Presidential Library is launching a series of multimedia thematic lessons for senior pupils in St. Petersburg.

The first lesson will be held on November 27 at 15.00 - for pupils of school №373 of the Moskovsky district.

The multimedia lesson introduces the main milestones in the development of domestic constitutionalism, the history of the creation and adoption of the current Constitution of the Russian Federation, allows for a deeper understanding of the origins of the rights, freedoms and responsibilities of citizens of modern Russia, and gives skills in dealing with the collections of the largest electronic library in Russia using the example of the extensive digital collection Constitution - Basic Law.

The electronic quiz on the history of constitutional ideas in Russia will be held within the lesson. This will allow schoolchildren not only to evaluate their own knowledge, but also to become familiar with modern multimedia technologies.

The Presidential Library’s portal in the Multimedia lessons section features the materials of the multimedia lesson on the Constitution.

Multimedia lessons are held free of charge. Detailed information about multimedia lessons is available by phone: +7 (812) 305-16-51 or by email: