СССР с сентября 1939 г. по июнь 1941 г.

СССР с сентября 1939 г. по июнь 1941 г.

Материалы по теме

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet F.S.Oktyabrsky with the text of order No. OP/011 dated January 22, 1942 on landing in the area of ​​the city of Sudak and the formation of a group under the command of Major N.G.Selikhov.Copy on the form

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet F.S.Oktyabrsky with the text of order No. OP/011 dated January 22, 1942 on landing in the area of ​​the city of Sudak and the formation of a group under the command of Major N.G.Selikhov.A copy on the form.January 22, 19421942.

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front commander of the 51st Army V.N.Lviv, commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin and commander of the Black Sea Fleet F.S.Oktyabrsky with the text of order No. 091/OP of January 8, 1942 on the continuation of hostilities for mastering

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front commander of the 51st Army V.N.Lviv, commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin and commander of the Black Sea Fleet F.S.Oktyabrsky with the text of Order No. 091/OP of January 8, 1942 on the continuation of hostilities for mastering the cities of Taganrog, Bakhchisaray, Simferopol, to destroy the Crimean enemy group.A copy on the form.January 8, 19421942.

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front commander of the 51st Army V.N.Lviv, commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin and commander of the Black Sea Fleet F.S.Oktyabrsky with the text of order No. 02/OP dated January 1, 1942 on the mastery of the genetic, retention of Feo

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front commander of the 51st Army V.N.Lviv, commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin and commander of the Black Sea Fleet F.S.Oktyabrsky with the text of order No. 02/OP dated January 1, 1942 on the mastery of the genetic, withholding the Theodosia bridgehead and the organization of sea landing in the Alushta and Evpatoria area to prepare the subsequent attack on Simferopol.A copy on the form.January 1, 19421942.

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front by the command of the Black Sea Fleet and the commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin with the text of order No. 0122/OP dated January 10, 1942 on landing on the Kerch Peninsula.A copy on the form.January 11, 1942

Ciphers of the headquarters of the Caucasian Front by the command of the Black Sea Fleet and the commander of the 44th Army A.N.Pervushin with the text of order No. 0122/OP dated January 10, 1942 on landing on the Kerch Peninsula.A copy on the form.January 11, 19421942.

Cipher telegram of the headquarters of the Western Special Military District to the commander of the 3rd, 4th and 10th armies with the order of the USSR People's Commissar of Defense to put the troops on alert in connection with the possibility of a surpr

Ф. 208.
Шифртелеграмма штаба Западного особого военного округа командующим 3-й, 4-й и 10-й армий с приказом наркома обороны СССР о приведении войск в боевую готовность в связи с возможностью внезапного нападения немцев.

Cipher telegram of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) to the secretaries of the regional committees of the CPSU (b) and the commanders of the Moscow and Oryol military districts about convening a meeting to discuss the results of mobilization on Octobe

Ф. 17.
Шифртелеграмма ЦК ВКП(б) секретарям обкомов ВКП(б) и командующим войсками Московского и Орловского военных округов о созыве совещания для обсуждения итогов мобилизации 7 октября 1939 г.

Cipher telegram of the authorized government of the USSR in Estonia A.A. Zhdanov, authorized representative of the government of the USSR in Latvia A. Ya.Vyshinsky and Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR V.G.

Ф. 059.
Шифртелеграмма уполномоченного правительства СССР в Эстонии А. А. Жданова, уполномоченного правительства СССР в Латвии А. Я. Вышинского и заместителя наркома иностранных дел СССР В. Г. Деканозова в ЦК ВКП(б) и НКИД СССР по вопросу организации и проведения предстоящих сессий новых парламентов Латвии, Литвы и Эстонии.

Cipher telegram of the authorized government of the USSR in Estonia A.A.Zhdanov to the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs of the USSR about the conversation with the President of Estonia K. Päts on the formation of a new government

Ф. 059.
Шифртелеграмма уполномоченного правительства СССР в Эстонии А. А. Жданова в НКИД СССР о беседе с президентом Эстонии К. Пятсом по вопросу формирования нового правительства.
