Образование взрослых. Педагогика взрослых
Материалы по теме
Participants puppet amateur ensemble
Participants puppet amateur ensemble. |
Ufa.Aviation Institute
Ufa.Aviation Institute.1978.
Charter of the Partnership for the establishment of schools for horticulture and forestry for the children of employees in these institutions
Dymsh Lubomir Cleofasovich, a lawyer, a privat-docent of the St. Petersburg University, a member of the III and IV State Duma, a Polish colo, a member of the training committee and an official of special assignments of his own Imperial Majesty's office, a landowner of the Constantine district. Charter of the Partnership for the establishment of schools for horticulture and forestry for the children of employees in these institutions. |
Quality management of independent work of students in an open information-educational environment
Strekalova, Natalia B..Quality management of independent work of students in an open information-educational environment.Samara, 2017.
University as a center of sociocultural space of the Small City
Gorbunova, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna.University as a center of sociocultural space of the Small City.Ivanovo, 2021.
University and University Science
Bulgakov, Val. University and university science.Moscow: Punny A.I.Snegireva, 1912.
University in the regional innovation system: roles, functions, interaction
Pavlova, Irina Anatolyevna.University in the regional innovation system: roles, functions, interaction.Tomsk, 2016.
University in the knowledge society, socio-cultural justification of changes in university governance
Stakhovskaya, Julia M..University in the knowledge society, socio-cultural justification of changes in university governance.Tomsk, 2017.
3. Ulyanovsk.Pedagogical Institute.I. N. Ulyanova
3. Ulyanovsk.Pedagogical Institute.I. N. Ulyanova.1968.
Ulyanovsk. Pedagogical Institute. I. N. Ulyanova
Ulyanovsk. Pedagogical Institute. I. N. Ulyanova. 1981. |