Warsaw Pact signed

14 May 1955

On May 14, 1955 in Warsaw was signed the Treaty of Friendship, Cooperation and Mutual Assistance between the European socialist countries – USSR, Albania, Bulgaria, Hungary, German Democratic Republic, Poland, Romania,  Czechoslovakia (Warsaw Pact). On June 5, 1955 when all the Pact states had deposited the ratification instruments to the Polish government, the Treaty took effect.

The Treaty conclusion was provoked by NATO activity (North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a military and political union) and had for the object to ensure the security of the countries of Warsaw Pact and maintenance of peace in Europe.

Under the Treaty the member countries were to provide assistance to each other in case of assault against one of them, mutual consultations in crisis situations and creation of the Unified Command of Pact Armed Forces. The Treaty comprised a preamble and 11 articles. Under the Treaty provisions and the UNJ Regulations the states members of the Warsaw Pact undertook to abstain in their international relations from threat by force or its use; and in case of the armed attack against one of the members other states were to provide it with the immediate support of all means their might regard necessary including the use of armed forces.

The states members of the Warsaw Pact created the Unified Command of Pact Armed Forces which directed the activity of the Unified Armed Forces with the support of the Military Council and the General Staff (seat in Moscow). The Supreme authority of Warsaw Pact Organization was the Political Consultative Committee. Its meeting were usually attended by the leaders of communist and labor parties as well as the heads of governments of the states members of the Warsaw Pact. The first session of the Political Consultative Committee of Warsaw Pact Organization took place in 1956.

In the framework of Warsaw Pact Organization were carried out various methods of military cooperation: joint war games ‘Quartet’ (1963), ‘October storm’ (1965), ‘Vltava’ (1966), ‘Rhodopy’ (1967), ‘Bohemian Forest’ (1968), ‘North’ (1968), ‘Neman’ (1968), ‘Oder-Nisa’ (1969), ‘Arms fraternity’ (1970), ‘Shield-72’ (1972), etc.

The Warsaw Pact Organization signed the agreement on the issues relating to the Western Berlin (1971); it concluded bilateral treaties between USSR, Poland, GDR, Czechoslovakia and the Federal Republic of Germany which laid the basis for the improvement of political situation in Europe.

There was concluded a series of important agreements regarding the general reduction of armaments and prohibition of thermonuclear weapons and other types of weapons of mass destruction: Moscow treaty on prohibition of nuclear weapon test in atmosphere, space and under water (1963); treaty ‘On principles of activity of the states regarding research and use of space including the Moon and other celestial bodies’ (1967); treat on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons (1968); treaty ‘On prohibition of deployment of nuclear weapon and other types of weapons of mass destruction at the bottom of seas and oceans’(1971), etc.

On April 26, 1985 due to the termination of effect the Warsaw Treaty was prolonged for 20 years.

Due to the reforms which took place in USSR and other states of the Central and Eastern Europe in February of 1990 the countries members of Warsaw Pact Organization abolished its military structures.

On July 1, 1991 in Prague the representatives of the USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania and Czechoslovakia signed the protocol on determination of the Treaty.


Lit.: Александров В. А. Варшавский договор и мир в Европе: 25 лет многосторон. воен.-полит. союза европ. соц. стран. М., 1980; Берг Д. С. Союз ради мира: К тридцатилетию Варшав. Договора. Л., 1985; Брудерер Г. НАТО и Варшавский договор: Принципы, концепции, потенциалы. Frankfurt a./M., 1985; Бунин В. Н. На страже мира и социализма: (К 30-летию Варшав. Договора). Ташкент, 1985; Варшавский договор 1955 (англ.) [Электронный ресурс] // Fordham University. 2015. URL: http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/1955warsawpact.html; Варшавский Договор — военно-политический союз братских стран социализма (К 25-летию Варшавского Договора). М., 1979; Варшавский Договор: история и современность. М., 1990; Варшавский Договор — союз во имя мира и социализма. М., 1980; Варшавский Договор — союз во имя мира. М., 1984; Владимиров С. А. Оплот мира и безопасности народов: (К 30-летию Организации Варшав. Договора). М., 1985; Куликов В. Г. Военная доктрина Варшавского Договора носит оборонительный характер. М., 1988; Монин М. Е. Братский союз народов и армий стран Варшавского Договора — надёжный оплот всеобщего мира. Киев, 1985; Организация Варшавского Договора: Документы и материалы, 1955-1985. М., 1986; Петерс И. А. Надёжный щит мира и социализма: [К 30-летию Варшав. Договора]. Киев., 1985; Савинов К. И. Варшавский Договор — фактор мира, щит социализма. М., 1986; Скороденко П. П. Во главе боевого союза: Ком. партии-создатели и руководители Орг. Варш. Договора. М., 1985; Шевченко Э. С. Варшавский договор 1955 [Электронный ресурс] // Большая советская энциклопедия. М., 1971. Т. 4; Юлдашев С. А. Варшавский договор — оплот мира и безопасности. Ташкент, 1986.


Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

The Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe Final Act signed // On this day. 1 August 1975.