The City of Tcherepovets was founded

15 November 1777

4 (15) November 1777 was founded the city of Cherepovets.

The first permanent settlements on the territory of the modern city appeared back in the 10th century. For centuries, the area along the banks of Sheksna and Yagorba Rivers actively populated. The main occupations of the inhabitants were fur trading and agriculture. In the middle of the 14th century the monks of the Trinity Sergius Lavra, Athanasius and Theodosius founded a hermitage in honor of the Holy Trinity and the Resurrection, later transformed into the Resurrection Monastery, which in 1449 received the status of archimandrite’s. Around the monastery, that had existed for about four centuries and was subjected to repeated devastation in troubled times, gradually evolved villages, the largest of which - Fedossievo - later became the basis for the future city. In 1764, during the secularization of church lands, the monastery was abolished and its lands, possessions and peasants were transferred to the state treasury.

4 (15) November 1777 Empress Catherine II signed a decree, whose draft was presented by the Governor of the Novgorod Ya. E. Sivers, on the establishment of the city of Cherepovets in the Novgorod governorship "for the benefit of water communication." In 1780, Cherepovets received the status of a district town and soon began its regular construction according to the previously approved plan. However, during the reign of Paul I, Cherepovets for a few years lost the status of a district city and was incorporated into the Ustyuzhensky County. The final selection of Cherepovets district as an independent administrative unit was not before the reign of Alexander I, in 1802.

At the end of the 18th - early 19th centuries the development of the city was connected with the construction and opening in 1810 of the Mariinsky water system, linking the Volga basin and the Baltic Sea, which contributed to the transformation of Cherepovets in the important trade and transit center of a new transport route. In the second half of the 19th century in the city was created a harbor, a shipyard, repair docks, and in the early 20th century a railroad was built through Cherepovets, linking St Petersburg and Vologda. In 1918, upon the orders of the Central Executive Committee and the CPC was founded a new administrative and territorial unit – the Cherepovets Province, which in addition to the Cherepovets included the territories of the White Lake, Kirillov, Ustyuzhensky and Tikhvin counties. Later, the territorial structure of the new province had been repeatedly changed. In 1927, Cherepovets province was abolished and its territory became first part of the Leningrad region, and 10 years later – of the newly created Vologda region.

In the late 1930's the leaders of the country decided to build in Cherepovets a new Metallurgical Plant. After the end of the Great Patriotic War began a major work on the construction of the new enterprise which ended in 1955. During the following decades Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant, which later became a part of the "Severstal" Corporation, was the largest in the country.

Today Cherepovets is still one of the most important industrial and transportation centers of the European part of Russia.

Lit.: Бланк А. С., Катаников А. В. Череповец. Вологда, 1957; Виноградов Г. И. История Череповецкого края. Белозерск, 1925; Кадобнов Ф. И. Краткий очерк возникновения города Череповца. Калуга, 1910; Коровкин А. И. Описание Череповецкого уезда. Новгород, 1898; Сизоненко Т. В. История Череповца до 1948 г. Череповец, 1999.

Based on the Presidential Library’s materials:

г. Череповец. Аллея Соборного сада: Открытка. [между 1904 и 1909];

Полное собрание законов Российской империи, с 1649 года: Собрание 1-е. По 12 дек. 1825 г.: Т. 1-45. СПб., 1830-1851. Т. 20: С 1775 по 1780 : От № 14233 до 15105;

Прокудин-Горский С. М. Вид на г. Череповец: Фотография. 1909;

Прокудин-Горский С. М. Набережная в г. Череповецке: Фотография. 1909;

Прокудин-Горский С. М. Около шлюза мачта со знаками, указывающими глубину фарватера в р. Славянке: Фотография. 1909;

Прокудин-Горский С. М. Череповецкая гавань: Фотография. 1909.