Communal land ownership, the causes, the course and consequences of its decomposition. Part 1. Community land ownership in the c...

Kovalevsky, Maxim Maksimovich (1851-1916).
Community landownership, the causes, the course and consequences of its decomposition / [Com.] M. Kovalevsky. - Moscow: type. F.B. Miller, 1879. - 22 cm. - .
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
Part 1: Community land ownership in the colonies and the influence of land policy on its decay. - 1879. - [4], VII, 233, [1] with .. -
Dedication to II. Janzhulu, A.I. Chuprov, Su. F. Miller and I.V. Luchitsky.
Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - Ex .: without obl., with rukop. litter.
I. Yangzhul, I.I .. II. Chuprov, A.I. .. III. Miller, Sun. F .. IV. Luchitsky, I.V. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: SPbSU
Publisher тип. Ф.Б. Миллера

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