- Monographs and collections
The economic system of Russia
Kovalevsky, Maxim Maksimovich (1851-1916). The economic system of. St. Petersburg: Type. P.P. Soykin, 1899.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахConstitution of Count Loris-Melikov
Kovalevsky, Maxim Maksimovich (1851-1916).Constitution of Count Loris-Melikov.London: Foundation of the Russian Free Press, 1893.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахThe Constitution of Count Loris-Melikov and his private letters
Kovalevsky, Maxim Maksimovich (1851-1916). The Constitution of Count Loris-Melikov and his private letters. Berlin: G. Steinitz, 1904.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахRussia and its allies in the struggle for civilization. [T. 1], vol. 1
Russia and its allies in the struggle for civilization. Moscow: The Edition of D. Ya. Makovsky, 1916.
[T. 1], vol. 1. 1916.Russia and its allies in the struggle for civilization. [T. 1], vol. 2
Russia and its allies in the struggle for civilization. Moscow: The Edition of D. Ya. Makovsky, 1916.
[T. 1], vol. 2. [1916].Russia and its allies in the struggle for civilization. [T. 1], vol. 3
Russia and its allies in the struggle for civilization. Moscow: The Edition of D. Ya. Makovsky, 1916.
[T. 1], vol. 3. [1916].Historical and comparative method in jurisprudence and methods of studying the history of law
Kovalevsky, Maxim Maksimovich (1851-1916). Historical and comparative method in jurisprudence and methods of studying the history of law. Moscow: type. F.B. Miller, 1880.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахFrom direct people's rights to the representative and from the patriarchal monarchy to parliamentarism. T. 1
Kovalevsky. Maxim Maksimovich. 1851-1916. From direct people's rights to the representative and from the patriarchal monarchy to parliamentarism. Moscow: type. t-va ID Sytin.
T. 1. 1906.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахFrom direct people's rights to the representative and from the patriarchal monarchy to parliamentarism. T. 2
Kovalevsky. Maxim Maksimovich. 1851-1916. From direct people's rights to the representative and from the patriarchal monarchy to parliamentarism. Moscow: type. t-va ID Sytin.
T. 2. 1906.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахFrom direct people's rights to the representative and from the patriarchal monarchy to parliamentarism. T. 3
Kovalevsky. Maxim Maksimovich. 1851-1916. From direct people's rights to the representative and from the patriarchal monarchy to parliamentarism. Moscow: type. t-va ID Sytin.
T. 3. 1906.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахLaw and custom in the Caucasus. T. 1
Kovalevsky. Maxim Maksimovich. 1851-1916. Law and custom in the Caucasus. M .: type. A.I. Mamontov and Co..
T. 1. 1890.Law and custom in the Caucasus.T. 2
Kovalevsky.Maxim Maksimovich.1851-1916.Law and custom in the Caucasus.M.: Type.A.I.Mamontov and to °.T. 2. 1890.Modern custom and ancient law.T. 1.
Kovalevsky.Maxim Maksimovich.1851-1916.Modern custom and ancient law.Moscow: Type.V. Gatsuk, 1886.T. 1. 1886.Modern custom and ancient law.T. 2.
Modern custom and ancient law.T. 2. 1886.Communal land ownership, the causes, the course and consequences of its decomposition. Part 1. Community land ownership in the colonies and the influence of land policy on its expansion
Kovalevsky. Maxim Maksimovich. 1851-1916. Communal land ownership, the causes, the course and consequences of its decomposition. Moscow: type. F.B. Miller, 1879.
Part 1: Community land ownership in the colonies and the influence of land policy on its decay. 1879.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залах - Articles
Russian antiquity. G. 6 1875, [T. 13, book. 5], May
Russian antiquity. St. Petersburg, 1870-1918.
G. 6 1875, [T. 13, book. 5], May: G. 6 1875, [T. 13, book. 5], May. 1875.The legal bulletin. G. 11 1879, v. 1, [No. 1], January
The legal bulletin. Moscow, 1867-1892.
G. 11 1879, v. 1, [No. 1], January: G. 11 1879, v. 1, [No. 1], January. 1879.Kovalevsky M. M. Foreign influences on political thought in the 12th and 13th centuries: On the History of Political Thought in England in the Middle Ages (the beginning). pp. 71-90 (scans 75-94).
The legal bulletin. G. 11 1879, [v. 1], No. 2, February
The legal bulletin. Moscow, 1867-1892.
G. 11 1879, [Vol. 1], No. 2, February: G. 11 1879, [t. 1], No. 2, February. 1879.Kovalevsky M. M. Foreign influences on political thought in the 12th and 13th centuries: On the History of Political Thought in England in the Middle Ages (continued). pp. 198-216 (scans 70-92).
The legal bulletin. G. 11 1879, T. 2, [No. 7, July]
The legal bulletin. Moscow, 1867-1892.
G. 11 1879, Vol. 2, [No. 7, July]: G. 11 1879, Vol. 2, [No. 7, July]. 1879.Kovalevsky M. M. Foreign influences on political thought in the 12th and 13th centuries: On the History of Political Thought in England in the Middle Ages (end). pp. 103-119 (scans 109-125).
The legal bulletin. G. 19 1887, v. 24, No. 1
The legal bulletin. Moscow, 1867-1892.
19, 1887, vol. 24, No. 1. 1887.Kovalevsky M. M. The origin of private land ownership among the Alemans. pp. 3-20 (scans 9-26).
The legal bulletin. G. 19 1887, v. 24, No. 2
The legal bulletin. Moscow, 1867-1892.
19, 1887, vol. 24, No. 2. 1887.Kovalevsky M. M. The origin of private land ownership among the Alemans [end] / M. M. Kovalevsky. pp. 239-263 (scans 39-63).
The legal bulletin. G. 19 1887, v. 25, No. 5
The legal bulletin. Moscow, 1867-1892.
19, 1887, v. 25, No. 5. 1887.Kovalevsky M. M. A look at the history of Russian diplomacy in Sweden (based on data from the Royal Archive in Stockholm). pp. 16-58 (scans 22-64).
Herald of Europe. G. 30 1895, vol. 2, [bk. 3/4, March / April]
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 30 1895, vol. 2, [bk. 3/4, March / April]. 1895.Kovalevsky M. M. The youth of Benjamin Constant: essays: I–VI. pp. 657-688 (scans 659-690).
World Bulletin.No. 1 (January)
World Bulletin.St. Petersburg: editor-publisher S. S. Sukhotin, 1903-1908.No. 1 (January).1903.Kovalevsky M. M. Studies on modern custom and ancient law of Russia. pp. 1-21 (scans 17-37).
Herald of Europe. G. 44 1909, Volume 1, book. 1, January
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 44 1909, v. 1, book. 1, January. 1909.Kovalevsky M. M. On the fundamentals of constitutional law. pp. 81-99 (scans 91-109).
Herald of Europe. G. 44 1909, [v. 2], book. 4, April
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 44 1909, [Vol. 2], book. 4, April. 1909.Kovalevsky M. M. The reasons for the dispossession of peasants in England. pp. 758-770 (scans 316-328).
- Notes, speeches
Note by Senator M. Kovalevsky about the administrative expulsion, with the application of the statements (3 copies of a printed copy)
Loris-Melikov Mikhail Tarilovich, Count, Minister of the Interior, Chief Head of the "Supreme Administrative Commission for the Protecting of State Order and Public Calm" , General from Cavalry.Kovalevsky, M. Senator M. Kovalevsky on the administrative expulsion, with the application of the Vedomosti (3 copies of the printed copy).Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахFor vsesoslovnoe volost zemstvo
For vsesoslovnoe volost zemstvo. St. Petersburg: type. t-va "Literacy", 1914.Доступно только в Электронных читальных залахHerald of Europe. G. 44 1909, [v. 2], book. 4, April
Herald of Europe. St. Petersburg, 1866-1918.
G. 44 1909, [Vol. 2], book. 4, April. 1909.Kovalevsky M. M. Is Gogol outdated? (Speech delivered at a public meeting on March 19, 1909). pp. 640-648 (scans 198-206).
Kovalevsky M. M. Peter the Great in France, in 1717: new news about him [Letters from de Bernage]. pp. 109-114 (scans 99-102).