Berg Lev Semyonovich (1876–1950)

Berg Lev Semyonovich (1876–1950)

Scientific results of the Aral Expedition, Curbstone Turkest.the Department.Russian geographically.societies.News of the Turkestan branch of the Russian geographical society.Vol.3. On the animal plankton of the Aral Sea based on materials collected by L.S.Berg in 1900

Aral expedition.1900-.(1900-).Scientific results of the Aral Expedition, Curbstone Turkest.the Department.Russian geographically.societies.Tashkent: Type.Headquarters Turkest.military.County, 1902-1916.Zernov, Sergey Alekseevich (1871-1945).Vol.3: About the animal plankton of the Aral Sea based on materials collected by L.S.Berg in 19001903.
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Scientific results of the Aral expedition, equipped with Turkestan.Department.Russian geographical.society.The news of the Turkestan branch of the Russian Geographical Society.Ext.7

Aral expedition.1900-.(1900-).Scientific results of the Aral expedition, equipped with Turkestan.Department.Russian geographical.society.Tashkent: Type.The headquarters of Turkest.military.District, 1902-1916.Ext.7. St. Petersburg: Typo-Lit."Herald", 1905.
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Proceedings of the Troitskosavsky-Kyakhtin branch of the Pria Amur Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.1905. T. 8. Vol.3.

Russian Geographical Society.The Amur Division.Troitskosavsky-Kyakhtin compartment.Proceedings of the Troitskosavsky-Kyakhtin branch of the Pria Amur Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.St. Petersburg: B. and., 1908.1905. T. 8. Vol.3. 1906.

Berg L. S. A note about the fishes of Lake Kosogla. pp. 64-70 (scans 72–77).

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