Sikorsky Igor Ivanovich (1889–1972)
Sikorsky Igor Ivanovich (1889–1972)
Russian air bogatyri I. I. Sikorsky
Finn, Konstantin Nikolaevich (1878-1956).Russian Bogatyri I. I. Sikorsky.Belgrade: [b.and.], 1930.
NB Garf.
According to the legislative assumption of members of the State Duma on vacation of funds for issuing a premium engineer I. I. Sikorskoye for the invention of the aircraft
Council of Ministers (1905-1917).According to the legislative assumption of members of the State Duma on the vacation of funds for issuing a premium engineer I. I. Sikorsky for the invention of the aircraft.
Federal State Institution "Russian State Historical Archive" (RGIA)
The Tambov region. 1913. № 1799. September 10
The Tambov region.
1913. No. 1799. 10 September. 1913.
1913. No. 1799. 10 September. 1913.
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The Tambov region. 1914. № 39 (1921). February, 19th
The Tambov region.
1914. No. 39 (1921). 19 February. 1914.
1914. No. 39 (1921). 19 February. 1914.
I. I. Sikorsky's New World Records (scan 2)
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Sea magazine.G. 6. 1933. No. 63-64 (3-4).March, April
Sea magazine.G. 6. 1933. No. 63-64 (3-4).March, April.1933.
Solovyov N. N. I. I. Sikorsky Aviation Plant p. 3-5 (scans 3-5)
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The highest gift to Aviator Sikorsky (night telegrams) (scan 4)