Biographical materials
Biographical materials
The experience of the historical dictionary of Russian writers.
Novikov, Nikolai Ivanovich (1744-1818).
The experience of the historical dictionary of Russian writers ..
St.Petersburg: [Type. Acad. Sciences], 1772.
St.Petersburg: [Type. Acad. Sciences], 1772.
Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, magazine publisher 1769-1785.
Untellov, A.Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov, publisher of magazines 1769-1785.: Type of.V.S.Balasheva, 1875.
N.I. Novikov, his life and social activities
Usova, Sophia Ermolaevna (1858-).
N.I. Novikov, his life and social activities.
St. Petersburg: Type. T-va "The Society of Benefits", 1892 (region 1891).
St. Petersburg: Type. T-va "The Society of Benefits", 1892 (region 1891).
Russian satirical magazines of 1769-1774.
Semennikov, Vladimir Petrovich (1885-1936). Russian satirical magazines 1769-1774 gg.Saint-Petersburg: type. "Sirius", 1914.
Materials for the history of Russian book trade.Ext.1. N.I.Novikov and bookseller Kolchugins XVIII-XIX table.
Simoni.P.K. Materials to the history of Russian book trade.St. Petersburg: [B.and.], 1906.Ext.1: N.I.Novikov and bookseller Kolchugins XVIII-XIX table. 1906 (region. 1907).
Samara OUNB
NI Novikov and his time
Bogolyubov, Vasily Alekseevich
NI Novikov and his time.
Moscow: The Publishing House of M. and S. Sabashnikov, 1916.
Moscow: The Publishing House of M. and S. Sabashnikov, 1916.
A letter without a signature and without an indication of the addressee.A copy of the letter is applied without a signature with the appeal "Anatoly"
Volkonsky, the brightest princes: Peter Mikhailovich (1776-1852), Field Marshal, Minister of the Imperial Court and Dolly;Dmitry Petrovich (1805-1859), Hofmeister;Grigory Petrovich (1808-1882), trustee of the Odessa and St. Petersburg training districts;Pyotr Grigoryevich (1843-1896), STATLAMER;Peter Dmitrievich (b. 1845), official of the Ministry of Finance.Letters (copies) Nikolai Ivanovich Novikov, Nikolai Nikitich Trubetskoy and Peter Tatishchev.
Federal state institution "Russian State Historical Archive"