Ermak (?- 1585)
Ermak (?- 1585)
Ermak, conqueror of Siberia, 1581-1584.
Abramov, Nikolay Alekseevich (1812-1870).
Ermak, the conqueror of Siberia, 1581-1584 g.
[Moscow: Univ. type., 1867].
[Moscow: Univ. type., 1867].
More about Ermak and his Siberian campaign
Katanaev, Georgiy Efremovich (1848-1922). More about Ermak and his Siberian campaign. Omsk: Tipogr. Circum. Staff, 1893.
Тобольский ГИАМЗ
Bibliography of Yermak
Kuznetsov, Evgeny Vasilyevich (1848-1911).
Bibliography of Ermak.
Tobolsk: Type. Lips. 1891.
Tobolsk: Type. Lips. 1891.
The Initial Piitic of Ermak
Initial piiticism about Ermak.
Tobolsk: Typography of Tobolsk Provincial Government, 1890.
Tobolsk: Typography of Tobolsk Provincial Government, 1890.
Тобольский ГИАМЗ
Ermak Timofeevich, conqueror of Siberia
Ermak Timofeevich, conqueror of Siberia.
Moscow: Typography of the Society for the Distribution of Useful Books, 1886.
Moscow: Typography of the Society for the Distribution of Useful Books, 1886.
Тобольский ГИАМЗ
Popular reading. 1859, Book. 2. [Ataman Prince Ermak Timofeevich]
Popular reading. [Ataman Prince Ermak Timofeevich].
St.Petersburg: Printed at the printing house of PA Kulish, 1859-1862.1859.
St.Petersburg: Printed at the printing house of PA Kulish, 1859-1862.1859.
Тобольский ГИАМЗ
Monument to Ermak in the city of Tobolsk
Technical and Construction Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
Monument to Ermak in the city of Tobolsk.
Monument to Ermak in the city of Tobolsk.
Федеральное казенное учреждение "Российский государственный исторический архив" (РГИА)
Monument to Ermak, the conqueror of Siberia. The plan, the facade. Copy
Monument to Ermak, the conqueror of Siberia. The plan, the facade. Copy. 1836.
The project of the monument to Ermak - the conqueror of Siberia. Plan of the part of the city; plan of Cape Chukman, general view of the monument
The project of the monument to Ermak - the conqueror of Siberia. Plan of the part of the city; the plan of Cape Chukman, the general view of the monument. 1830.