Complete works of Prince P.A.Vyazemsky.T. 1. Literary critical and biographical essays.1810 - 1827
Vyazemsky.Peter Andreevich.1792-1878.Complete works of Prince P.A.Vyazemsky.St. Petersburg:, 1878-1896.T. 1: Literary critical and biographical essays.1810 - 18271878.
Samara OUNB
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Full. collect. op. book. P.A. Vyazemsky: T. 5: Von Vizin
Full. collect. op. book. P.A. Vyazemsky: T. 5: Von Wiesin. 1880.
Works by VA Ozerov. Part 1
Ozerov. Vladislav Alexandrovich. playwright. 1769-1816. Works by VA Ozerov. St. Petersburg: [dependent on the proprietor of the Theater Printing House A. Prokhorsky], 1816-1817.
Part 1. 1817.
Part 1. 1817.
Sergey Nikolayevich Glinka
Vyazemsky, Pyotr Andreevich (1792-1878). Sergey Nikolayevich Glinka. St. Petersburg: type. Imp. Acad. Sciences, [1847].
Wake at the Battle of Borodino and Memories of 1812
Vyazemsky, Pyotr Andreevich (1792-1878). Wake at the Battle of Borodino and Memories of 1812. Moscow: printing house Grachev and Co., 1869.
Russian archive.G. 37. 1899. KN.eleven
Russian archive.Moscow, 1863-1917, 1990-.G. 37. 1899. KN.1. 1. 1899.
RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
Vyazemsky, P. A., "On the State of Russia after the Polish Rebellion of 1831," pp. 181-183 (scans 199-201).
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Russian archive.G. June 1868, 2
Russian archive.Moscow: university press (Katkov and K °), 1863-1917.G. June 1868, 2 in 1868.
РГПУ им. А. И. Герцена
Letter from Count Arakcheev to Countess E. Z. Cancrina, accompanied by a note from Prince P. A. Vyazemsky. Pages 281-283 (scans 63-64).
Russian archive. G. 6 1868, No. 11
Russian archive. Moscow: University Press (Katkov and Co.), 1863-1917.
G. 6 1868, No. 11. 1868.
G. 6 1868, No. 11. 1868.
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Vyazemsky P. A. Letters of N. M. Karamzin to V. A. Zhukovsky. 1803-1818. p. 1827-1836) (scans 76-80)
Day. 1862. No. 40. October 6
1862. No. 40. October 6. 1862.
1862. No. 40. October 6. 1862.
РГПУ им. А.И. Герцена
Vyazemsky P. A. Poems. p. 7 (scan 7).
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Russian Bulletin.1892. T. 219. [№ 4].April
Russian Bulletin.1892. T. 219. [№ 4].April.St. Petersburg: Type.Hall.applied.T-Va "Public Use", 1892.
Vyazemsky, P. A. "The Vevey Mountain Ash: A Poem (To My Granddaughter Katya Vyazemskaya)". pp. 3-5 (scan 9-11)
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- Works on Vyazemsky's essays
Prince Vyazemsky and Pushkin about Ozerov
Maikov, L. Knyaz Vyazemsky and Pushkin about Lake.St. Petersburg: Type.M. Stasyulevich, 1897.Creativity P. A. Vyazemsky 1860-1870s: Problems of worldview and genre variety
Bukina, Galina Yurevna (Candidate of Philological Sciences).Creativity P. A. Vyazemsky 1860-1870s: Problems of worldview and genre variety.Moscow, 2012.Slavonicisms in the language of poetry PA Vyazemsky
Borodin, Catherine Y..Slavonicisms in the language of poetry PA Vyazemsky.Tver, 2019.
Vyazemsky P. A. On the life and writings of V. A. Ozerov. pp. III–XLVI (scans 7-50).