Kochubei Viktor Pavlovich (1768–1834)
Kochubei Viktor Pavlovich (1768–1834)
Prince VP Kochubei - First Minister of Internal Affairs of Russia
Nikolaenko, Petr Dmitrievich (doctor of historical sciences, 1939-). Prince VP Kochubei is the first Minister of the Interior of Russia. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009.
Из частного собрания
Prince VP Kochubei and the problem of reforming the apparatus of public administration in Russia in the first third of the XIX century
Nikolaenko, Pyotr Dmitrievich (Doctor of Historical Sciences). Prince VP Kochubey and the problem of reforming the apparatus of public administration in in the first third of the XIX century. St. Petersburg, 2013.